Asian Fusion Noodle Bowl

Over the weekend I shopped at Sanwa Farmers Market. Using the produce I purchased there, today I made a vegetable noodle stir-fry for dinner. This dish is simple, quick and can be made with whatever produce you have on hand. Let’s begin!

Grab your ingredients.


*Note: All measurements are approximate.


2T Sriracha

2T honey

½ cup soy sauce

1/4 cup teriyaki sauce

3T oyster sauce

Main dish:

2T oil

1 package pasta (I used spaghetti)

4 carrots, peeled and cut (to preference)

1 broccoli crown, cut

1 can of baby corn, drained

½ large onion, diced

2 cups snow peas

3 heads of baby bok choy

In a medium pot, cook the pasta according to the package directions. Drain and set aside.

While waiting for the water to boil, prep the vegetables. The carrots take the longest to cook, so steam them first. This can be done on stovetop or in the microwave. I didn’t feel like waiting for the stove to heat so I used the microwave method. Place the cut carrots in a shallow bowl with a little water and set microwave for 1-2 minutes. Make sure they still have some crunch left.

Heat the oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. I used a wok.

Once the oil is heated add the carrots, onions and baby corn. Cook for about 5 minutes.



FullSizeRender-8 (1)Add the broccoli and cook until it starts to turn a bright green.

Now add the rest of the vegetables. *Add leafy greens last because they cook the fastest.




In a separate bowl, whisk together the sauce ingredients. Set aside.


Once the vegetables are finished cooking, set the temperature to low. Add the noodles to the pan. Mixing together. Add the sauce and stir well.

Serve the stir-fry in a bowl (or plate) with chopsticks (or fork).



How to Avoid Being Unhealthy Around the Holidays (Or Spring Break)

(photo: jBiz)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and Spring Break is upon us at last!

I love yule tide carols sung by a choir just as much as the next person, but as a college student, this week holds a special place in my heart. Don’t let a whole semester spent at the gym and eating bowls of lettuce to get that spring break bod go to waste: be smart with these few simple steps to look and feel your best the entire week!

STEP 1: This is a marathon—not a sprint

We get it, you’ve been waiting all semester to let loose and have fun, and you don’t want to think about that daunting D- for a week, but pace yourself. Don’t go crazy within the first few days. There will be plenty of overpriced tropical restaurants to indulge in and an endless cruise buffet is not to be taken advantage of. Try to not overeat that way you do not miss out on the adventures—and treats—that the next day has in store!

STEP 2: Choose your battles

Save your calories for foods that you otherwise wouldn’t eat, like a chef specialty or (if you’re over 21) a signature margarita. Don’t munch on candy bars and potato chips while you’re at the pool because you won’t be filled up and will look bloated in your bikini.

STEP 3: Stay active

Fitness and food go hand in hand when it comes to feeling and looking your best. Try to participate in a yoga or Zumba class on your cruise or take time to go for a jog in the morning. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and to drink plenty of water!