Three Key Tips for Clean Eating

(photo: notyourstandard)

As college students, it’s difficult to balance all of our responsibilities and priorities. So when it comes to making decisions about what we should eat, it can be a little challenging to eat clean and healthy. If we start establishing good eating patterns during college, it’s bound to last us a lifetime.

Tip 1: Stock up on healthy foods

When you purchase healthier items rather than high-calorie snacks, it gives you the opportunity to make that better food choice. Try purchasing long shelf life items like nuts, seeds, rice cakes or multi-grain crackers. Fruits and vegetables are good options as well, but remember that they only last you for a few weeks.

Tip 2: Establish a meal routine

As time goes on and you get to know what works for you, you can learn to customize a food plan to your personal preference. It is very important to have a well-balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, don’t forget to snack during the day because this allows your body to be reenergized.

Tip 3: Drink water

It’s important that our body maximizes its effectiveness, especially during exam days. Without water our bodies would become dehydrated and we wouldn’t be able to function as well. Try drinking a glass a water with every meal and snack. Always have a bottle of water with you because it’ll be easier for you to make your water consumption goal. Drinking large amounts of water also makes you feel more full, which leads to less food cravings.

With all the stress college brings, we need to give our bodies all the resourceful energy that it needs. Clean, nutritious foods help our bodies and brain work at their best.

Leave a comment below if you have any other tips on making our food choices cleaner and better!