Foods that increase intelligence

(photo: openclipart)

Final exams are just around the corner and students want to know how to retain more information. Tips such as taking ginkgo biloba and getting enough sleep are good starting points, but what you’re eating can also have an impact on your mental capabilities. Here is a quick list of perishables that help you get smarter.t

Eat your greens

According to Psychology Today and Business Insider, leaf products such as lettuce, spinach, and broccoli lower your intake of homocysteines, which cause dementia. Business Insider also states that eating green food helps transport oxygen throughout the body, including your brain.

Learn to fish

Psychology Today reports that fish such as salmon contain a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 lowers your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease and improves your ability to intake new information.

Move to the Beet

Beets pack a fistful of Vitamin B, which causes your brain to comprehend and recall information faster, according to Rodale’s Organic Life. states that adding beets to your diet gives you a stamina boost, helping you get through those boring classes.


Well… dark chocolate, to be more precise. Eating dark chocolate (in moderation) allows more blood flow to the brain and makes you feel more energized, says  Rodale’s Organic Life. It might be a good idea to bring your peers some dark chocolate for Easter.

(By Daniel Varela)

Easy Tips for eating healthier

By Daniel Varela on March 22nd, 2016

Obesity is a growing concern in the United States. It seems that every grocery and convenience store is stockpiled with artery-clogging goodness. The next time you walk into a Wal-Mart or Publix, observe how much of the food is candy, soda, chips etc. Trying to eat healthier may seem too daunting to try. Luckily, from experience and the internet, there are simple steps you can utilize to start consuming a healthy diet.

Step 1: Eat yogurt

Yogurt comes in many flavors and can be cheap when they go BOGO at Publix. Yogurt helps improve your immune system and keeps your blood sugar under control, according to In addition, Fitness Magazine claims that yogurt is packed with vitamins and helps you slim down after binge-eating during the holidays.


Step 2: Eat an apple everyday

The phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” holds as much truth now as it did when you were a child. Some of benefits of eating apples include reducing the chances of Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, maintaining immune system, and keeping your weight in check. If you need something easy to fill you up, apples are a great source to go to. They contain fiber, making it easier to poop. For more in-depth info on apples, click on the Best Health Magazine website link.

Step 3: Reduce portion size

The Huffington Post states that meal sizes served in restaurants are “four times” bigger than they were half a century ago. Your stomach has to put that bulk of junk somewhere, so it becomes fat. Thanks to, you can reduce your intake by purchasing smaller plates and eating more slowly, savoring your hard-earned meal. Drinking water can also help fill you up.