Dine On A Dime


My family of four has one income, it is important to make every paycheck stretch. Every Sunday we do our weekly grocery shopping at Sanwa Farmers Market, 2621 E Hillsborough Ave. Sanwa sells in bulk, so it is able to offer items at low prices. There you can find the best produce section around, which is perfect for vegetarians and clean eaters. There is also a large variety of meats for meat-lovers. With its low prices it is hard to leave Sanwa empty handed, no matter what your food orientation is.

One budgeting tip that I find extremely useful is meal planning. I make a list of what we are going to have for dinner each night until the next paycheck and I shop accordingly.

This week’s meals:

Sunday – Salt and pepper tofu

Monday – Kimchee veggie burgers

Tuesday – Stuffed poblanos with beans and rice

Wednesday – Vegetable/noodle stir-fry

Thursday – Zucchini spaghetti

Friday – Vegan chilidogs

Saturday – Vegan beef bao with broccoli

For breakfast we usually have waffles and eggs. For lunch and snacks we stick to fresh fruits and veggies. I also planned to home make frozen pops for sweet treats.

Unfortunately they were out of strawberries, too bad because I love them so much. 😦

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 Apples are a new favorite snack of mine, $1.49 per pound.

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We can never have enough onions, $0.89 per pound. YUM!

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Carrots – $0.99 per package.

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Tomatoes on the vine – $1.99 per pound.

 Peppers – $0.99 per pound. Cabbage – $0.59 per pound.

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Bananas – $0.59 per pound.

 I ended up spending $116, which is amazing since it will feed four people three meals a day. That’s less than $2 per meal, per person. That’s a big money saver! With all the money I saved I was able to purchase Brie (my favorite cheese). 😁


3 thoughts on “Dine On A Dime

  1. So many pictures! I felt my mouth watering as I scrolled. I like how you used the photo montages with price captions underneath them to show how you can actually have a enjoyable meal at such a low price. The pictures have a nice balance of colors as well, definitely keeps the eyes moving!


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