Peanut Butter and… Sandwiches.

(photo: Denise Krebs)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: It’s the week of the midterms and you have classes to study for, papers to write, and coffee to slowly and surely get addicted to as you attempt to complete both in a timely fashion. You want to eat something quick, but you can’t afford to take too much time out of the night to make something.

You can make yourself a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich to go along with your 7th cup of coffee, but if you’re anything like me, you’ve gotten sick of this rather vanilla sandwich and peanut butter on its own has lost its bite. Here are a few things you can add besides jelly that can add to help lift it from being bland.


Now this might just seem like another kind of jelly but the taste is rather refreshing and you can be a little creative with the honey you plan on adding (orange blossom, clover, raw).


For an even healthier approach, you can dice up a nice and ripe banana and add it to that sandwich. The bananas will also help prevent you from getting a cramp anytime soon so you can keep typing away at that essay.


Well, it’s time to venture off into left field. I know some of you are thinking that this is the typical “guy that won’t stop singing the praises of bacon”, and I admit that I had my share reservations on this combo too. But it’s an intriguing, sweet and savory option, even if it does require a little more effort than the previous two. Try it if you’re ever curious.

2 thoughts on “Peanut Butter and… Sandwiches.

  1. I remember growing up and enjoying a tall glass of milk with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Being in college, which calls for having a budget, I thought I’d be all set to enjoy more of these peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My reaction to these sandwiches now is actually the opposite. Seeing this post excites me to spice up my original love for peanut butter and anything. No longer will it just be jelly. Peanut butter and bacon may be the first on my list.


  2. This is still one of my favorite foods. I try and be fancy and put chia seeds and oats on my sandwich. It’s supposed to help control hunger… even if it doesn’t it’s still delicious.


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